Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Argument

Honestly, all this talk and reading has place a lot of fear in me. But I guess in a way that is a good thing. There are so many people that act before thinking, or decided to never follow up on their rights being broken, that it’s become easy to take advantage over people. It’s all really a game, and there are winners, and there are losers. The fact of the matter is, you have to stand up for your right, and know what those right detail. Honestly, I would rather never have to deal with lawyers or courts in the first place. I wish I could do all in my power to prevent the possibility that my rights of ownership are violated, or prevent the possibility that I might be charged vice versa. But of course, there is no such thing as 100% safety in this matter, or of any.
Even when I have families that are willing to help like my cousin, I still don’t like any of this one bit, but it’s something I’m just going to have to expect.
In the end, I’m hoping I’ll have the ability to do what’s right, and hope for the better. But what’s also important is have a sense of confidence in that what I’m doing is important. If anything my experience hunting down a lawyer taught me is, you need to be forward with people, and if you want people to take you seriously, you have to not only know what you are doing about, but show it to. Even though I eventually decided to go with my cousin, which isn’t exactly a victory in winning over a lawyer’s attention. I still do feel a lot more confident then how I started off early with this project.

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